So I am making a hangman game. I am trying, at the moment, to make an accumulator for how many wrong guesses the user gives (after 6 wrong guesses, they lose); However, my strikeCounter keeps getting set to 0 and I don't know why (thus printing out that there is always 1 strike no matter how many wrong guesses the user gives). Can someone help me see where my error is? Thank you!
import java.util.Scanner; //import scanner class
import java.lang.StringBuilder; //Import StringBuider class
public class P3A1_Doron_3918410 { //create class
public static void main (String[] args){ //create main method
System.out.println("Hello and welcome to Hangman!"); //Welcome the user
System.out.println(); //Leave space to organize code
System.out.println("These are the instructions for the game:"); //Introduce instructions
System.out.println(); //Leave space to organize code
System.out.println("You will be tasked with guessing a secret word, which is" +
" represented by blank underscores. For each round of the game, you will" +
" guess a letter. If that letter is in the word, it will appear among the underscores and" +
" you continue until you guess the entire word, thus winning the game. If a" +
" letter is not in the secret word, then you lose that round and gain a" +
" strike. Once you accumulate more than six strikes, the game is over and you lose.");
System.out.println(); //Leave space to organize
System.out.println("Now let's begin. Here is your secret word:"); //Notify user game will now start
System.out.println(); //Leave space to organize code
//create secret word that user sees
StringBuilder blanks = new StringBuilder("___"); //create initial, blank guessed word
System.out.println(blanks);//print out hiddenWord's initial, blank state
System.out.println(); //Leave space to organize code
//Begin guessing portion of game
Scanner keyboard = new Scanner(; // Create Scanner object called keyboard
int strikes = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++){
while(blanks.charAt(i) == '_'){
System.out.println(); //Leave space to organize code
System.out.println("Please guess a letter."); //Ask user to guess a letter
System.out.println(); //Leave space to organize code
String letterGuess = keyboard.nextLine(); //Assign letter user guesses to variable letterGuess
letterCheck(letterGuess, blanks, strikes);//send guess to letterCheck method
System.out.println(); //Leave space to organize code
System.out.println(); //Leave space to organize code
System.out.println("Congratulations! You win!");
} //End of main method
public static String letterCheck(String existance, StringBuilder updatedWord, int strikeCounter){//create method that checks whether or not letter exists in secret word
String secretWord = "cat";
int index;
char letter = existance.charAt(0); //convert string to char
index = secretWord.indexOf(letter); // return index within this string of the first occurrence of specified char
updatedWord.setCharAt(index, letter);
System.out.println(); //Leave space to organize code
System.out.println(); //Leave space to organize code
System.out.println(); //Leave space to organize code
System.out.println(); //Leave room to organize code
strikeCounter += 1; //add a strike
System.out.println("You have " + strikeCounter + " strike(s).");
if(strikeCounter > 5){ //if they have more than 6 strikes
System.out.println("You have six strikes. Game over.");
String holdStrikes = Integer.toString(strikeCounter);
return holdStrikes;
return updatedWord.toString();
} //End of letterCheck method
} //End of class
Read on how values are passed to functions. It can either be passed by value or passed by reference. Your code passes its arguments by value. That is the problem.