Code Coverage not populated after sonar analysis

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I am using sonarqube5.6.1.

I have a multi module project for which i am running sonar analysis using the below command.

mvn org.sonarsource.scanner.maven:sonar-maven-plugin:3.1.1:sonar -Dsonar.analysis.mode=publish -Dsonar.issuesReport.html.enable=true -Dsonar.dynamicAnalysis=false

But code coverage is not getting populated at all.

Can some one help. I could see the below warnings, Not sure if that's the reason.

[INFO] Process project properties
[WARNING] /!\ A multi-module project can't have source folders, so '/ssdd5/sameenud/dev/trunk/AAAA/BBBB/CCCC/DDDD/src/main/java' won't be used for the analysis. If you want to analyse files of this folder, you should create another sub-module and move them inside it.

The folder structure we have is as below,


I tried compiling it manual, But no luck, Same problem.


There are 2 answers

whoami - fakeFaceTrueSoul On

I had the similar issue, 0.0% coverage & no unit tests count on Sonar dashboard with SonarQube 6.7.2: Maven : 3.5.2, Java : 1.8, Jacoco : Worked with 7.0/7.9/8.0, OS : Windows

After a lot of struggle finding for correct solution, resolved issue with this configuration my parent pom looks like:

            <!--Sonar -->






I've tried few other options like jacoco-aggregate & even creating a sub-module by including that in parent pom but nothing really worked & this is simple. I see in logs <sonar.jacoco.reportPath> is deprecated,but still works as is and seems like auto replaced on execution or can be manually updated to <sonar.jacoco.reportPaths> or latest. Once after doing setup, in cmd start with mvn clean install then mvn org.jacoco:jacoco-maven-plugin:prepare-agent install & then do mvn sonar:sonar , this is what I've tried please let me know if some other best possible solution available.Hope this helps!! If not please post your question..

benzonico On

SonarQube (and more specifically SonarJava analyzer) is not computing the coverage. You have to provide a coverage report in order for the analysis to import its results in the SonarQube UI and display coverage.

See the documentation for more information on how to achieve this.