Cocos2d: thread error when trying to add background music

365 views Asked by At

Hello I am making a cocos2d side scroller. I am trying to add a background audio file. I am using SimpleAudioEngine. This is the code:

[[SimpleAudioEngine sharedEngine]playBackgroundMusic:@"Soundtrack.mp3" loop:YES];

But when I run it it gives me a error. The line that it says is giving me the error is:

[audioSourcePlayer prepareToPlay];

Is there a different way to add a sound file that won't give me this error?


There are 1 answers

CodeSmile On

The AVAudio and OpenAL will throw some exceptions, it's normal that the Xcode exception breakpoint triggers and nothing to worry about.

Instead of removing the exception breakpoint I highly recommend to "edit" the breakpoint and from the tiny edit dialog make sure you select that only Objective-C exceptions are caught. That way all the audio exceptions won't bother you (they're C++ exceptions) but you can still see where things crash should an assertion trigger.