cocoapods: An unexpected version directory was encountered. How do I fix this?

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I am running CocoaPods to add a dependency to my project.

My pod file is located at Users/myUser/Desktop/project/project.

It looks like this:

source ''

pod 'IQKeyboardManager'

xcodeproj '../project.xcodeproj'

and it is named Podfile.

When I run pod install, I get this output:

Analyzing dependencies

[!] An unexpected version directory Categories was encountered for the /Users/myUser/.cocoapods/repos/hackiftekhar/IQKeyboardManager Pod in the IQKeyboardManager repository.

What is CocoaPods expecting here and how can I fix this?




There are 2 answers

Peter Todd On

I had a similar issue:

[!] An unexpected version directory `Base.lproj` was encountered for the etc...

updating to the latest version of cocoapods seemed to resolve it:

gem install cocoapods --pre

Have a look at CocoaPods issue

Hope that helps.

Litome On

How to fix this is described in the Cocoapod repo, issue 6089.

Jest of it copied here in case link breaks in the future:

  1. Starting point

I try to create a private pod.

  • Environment: Xcode 8 Cocoapods 1.1.1

  • My Pods file tree:

looks like this

├── MoudlePod3
│   ├── 0.0.1
│   │   └── MoudlePod3.podspec
│   ├── TestObject3.h
│   └── TestObject3.m
├── MoudlePod3.podspec
  • run pod install

Everything is perfect!

  • Change creating the issue: Then I add some new folder and files to the pod Updated pods file tree:

. ├── LICENSE ├── MoudlePod3 │ ├── 0.0.1 │ │ └── MoudlePod3.podspec │ ├── 0.0.4 │ │ └── MoudlePod3.podspec │ ├── NewClass │ │ ├── TestObjectNew.h │ │ └── TestObjectNew.m │ ├── TestObject3.h │ └── TestObject3.m ├── MoudlePod3.podspec └──

  • Increment podspec version to 0.0.4

  • Update client's podfile as follow: Demo Project Pod file:

    source '' source 'http:///ljb/MoudlePod3.git'

    target 'MoudleApp' do pod 'MoudlePod3', '~> 0.0.4' end

  • run pod install

[!] An unexpected version directory NewClass was encountered for the /Users/apple/.cocoapods/repos/MoudlePod3/MoudlePod3 Pod in the MoudlePod3 repository.

  1. Explanation & solution from @benasher44 : Ah, so source 'http:///ljb/MoudlePod3.git' means that it expects that to be a specs repo, but it looks like you're trying to combine a specs repo and the repo where you keep the code for your pod, which is unsupported. You should instead remove the custom source line and do something like pod 'MoudlePod3', '~> 0.0.4', :git => ''. Checkout for more info.

or in my case fix the source line to point to the private specs repo not the pod's source repo... Doh!

Hope that helps.