I'm creating my own pod with some resources files. It is basically defined like this :
Pod::Spec.new do |s|
s.name = 'MyName'
s.version = '0.0.1'
s.license = { :type => 'MIT' }
s.homepage = 'not important'
s.authors = {
# authors
s.summary = '…'
# Source Info
s.source = {
# .. my sources
s.source_files = ['Sources/*.swift']
s.resource_bundle = {'MyNameBundle' => ['*.{storyboard,xib,png,jsbundle,meta}']}
s.ios.deployment_target = '9.0'
s.requires_arc = true
The pod is installed with pod install
and I can see that the resources files are available in MyName/Resources/
. So far so good.
I can even see in my Pods.pbxcodeproj
that there are 2 new targets : MyName
and MyNameBundle-Bundle
But the thing is, when I try to list all the available bundles :
NSBundle.allBundles().forEach {
print("bundle identifier: \($0.bundleIdentifier) - path \($0.bundlePath)")
Then it does not show up.
What am I missing ?
Well, here is an answer but I can't really explain how it works. If somebody has any idea, please let me know.
This post helped me a lot https://stackoverflow.com/a/35903720/1427775
So in my Pod, I had to add an empty swift class so that it could be used to load the correct
It seems that not all
are loaded at launch and this code triggers the loading of the wanted bundle.