Close Docker container ran with -t

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I'm pretty new to Docker and am running it via AWS Cloud9 to mess around with it so I can learn more before I tackle a big project. I was practicing editing a Dockerfile and then building and running it. I accidentally did "docker run -t" instead of -it and am now stuck. I have looked up the meaning of a docker run with -t but cannot seem to figure out how to close the container. I have tried exit, control c + d, control d, and stop but after typing anything in the command line it goes blank waiting for an echo. I would really appreciate some assistance to get the container closed.

The full command I ran was "docker run -t myffmpeg" but the solution for me was to open a new terminal window and doing a "docker container prune"


There are 1 answers


As stated in the main question, the solution for me was to open a new terminal window and doing a "docker container prune"