Clojurescript core.matrix aljabr implementation must be explicitly set

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Using core.matrix in a ClojureScript project. For javascript interop I need aljabr as explained in

After I try to specify the implementation (as I do with other Clojure implementations)

(require '[clojure.core.matrix :as mat])
(require '[thinktopic.aljabr.core :as imp])

(mat/set-current-implementation :aljabr)

I get this error and I can't use the matrix implementation for Javascript

INFO: No dynamic loading of implementations in Clojurescript.
You must require an implementation explicitly in a namespace, for example thinktopic.aljabr.core

Looking on github I only find the implementation used as I mention above (e.g., how can I make aljabr work in cljs?


There are 1 answers

Alessandro Solbiati On

You need to set the implementation statically, that means not at the beginning of the file like you did but when you actually declare your matrix

(mat/matrix :aljabr [[1.0 2.0 3.0][4.0 5.0 7.0]])

(I answered to myself just cause there is no result on the internet for that error and took me a while to understand the error message explanation, even with git blames)