I have lein 1.7 with swank 1.4 plugin. Then, I start with no emacs configuration and install clojure-mode from marmalade, create a new project with lein, open up project.clj and then do M-x clojure-jack-in. Slime start just fine. Then I am entering this
; SLIME 20100404
user> (defn x[x]
(let [y (* x 2)]
(when (= y 2)
(throw (Exception. "hey")))
user> (x 2)
user> (x 1)
It throws me into a debugger, but it looks like it is not complete:
[Thrown class java.lang.Exception]
0: [QUIT] Quit to the SLIME top level
0: NO_SOURCE_FILE:1 user/x
[No Locals]
1: NO_SOURCE_FILE:1 user/eval1854
[No Locals]
2: Compiler.java:6465 clojure.lang.Compiler.eval
3: Compiler.java:6431 clojure.lang.Compiler.eval
4: core.clj:2795 clojure.core/eval
5: core.clj:532 swank.core/eval690[fn]
6: MultiFn.java:163 clojure.lang.MultiFn.invoke
7: basic.clj:54 swank.commands.basic/eval-region
8: basic.clj:44 swank.commands.basic/eval-region
9: basic.clj:78 swank.commands.basic/eval880[fn]
Locals are not shown. No option to continue. I looked at the video: http://vimeo.com/23932914 How do I get to the same configuration of slime/emacs/clojure.
This video shows swank-clj, that was renamed to ritz. See instructions in repository on how to install and use it...