Attempting to AOT compile a Clojure namespace with clj -e "(compile 'my-ns.core)"
throws an exception when attempting to construct a LocalDate
Syntax error (IllegalArgumentException) compiling . at (my-project/my-ns-core.clj:5:1).
No matching method ofInstant found taking 2 args for class java.time.LocalDate
Works fine in REPL. Why failing in AOT? Classes are imported.
(ns my-ns.core
(:require [clojure.alpha.spec.gen :as g])
(:import (java.time LocalDate))
(LocalDate/ofInstant (Instant/ofEpochMilli 123) (ZoneId/of "UTC"))
I assume this must be related to these classes being included from the AOT build?
GraalVM was in my
which took precedence for calls tojava
with an older Java version that did not include the Java 8 date classes. Figured it out by runningwhich java
.Solved with:
And not including