I'm using clockwork
for the first time. I followed the Heroku guide, https://devcenter.heroku.com/articles/clock-processes-ruby, but when I run heroku ps:scale clock=1
, I get this error:
Scaling web dynos... failed ! No such process type web defined in Procfile.
My Procfile
looks like this:
web: bundle exec unicorn -p $PORT -c ./config/unicorn.rb
worker: bundle exec rake jobs:work
clock: bundle exec clockwork lib/clock.rb
The project had already been pushed to Heroku with the web
and worker
processes, and it worked fine.
I did foreman check
and it says:
valid procfile detected (web, worker, clock)
I also did heroku run bash
and the Procfile is there.
Any ideas what I may have missed?