I have one requirement where our client is having a portal to create tickets.... their portal will send the data created by calling a WCF service to store into JDE system. They prefer to ahve WCF web service. Using WCF they will send request in jde system, after that JDE system should compute the completion date and send back to them with the same request. In order to achieve this we need jde provider bssv as wcf service.
Can anyone help how to create this? step by step giude would be helpful.
Regards, Parag
Did you check this documentation already? http://www.oracle.com/technetwork/topics/jde-bssv-database-business-service-131800.pdf
EDIT 2014-10-16 Here is a step by step guide that will help you with that you want. http://www.jdelist.com/vb4/attachment.php?attachmentid=5900&d=1236332152
In short.