Clever way to break a Seq[Any] into a case class

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I've been parsing a proprietary file format that has sections and each section has a number of records. The sections can be in any order and the records can be in any order. The order is not significant. While sections should not be duplicated, I can't guarantee that.

I've been using parboiled2 to generate the AST using a format like the following:

oneOrMore( Section1 | Section2 | Section3 )

Where every section generates a case class. They don't inherit from anything resulting in Seq[Any]

These section case classes also contain a Seq[T] of records specific to the section type.

I would like to transform the Seq[Any] into a

case class (section1:Seq[T1], section2:Seq[T2], section3:Seq[T3] )

Does someone have a clever and easy to read technique for that or should I make some mutable collections and use a foreach with a match?

I always feel like I am missing some Scala magic when I fall back to a foreach with vars.

EDIT 1: It was brought up that I should extend a common base class, it is true that I could. But I don't see what that changes about the solution if I still have to use match to identify the type. I want to separate out the different case class types, for instance below I want to collect all the B's, C's, E's, and F's together into a Seq[B], Seq[C], Seq[E], and Seq[F]

 class A()
 case class B(v:Int) extends A
 case class C(v:String) extends A

 case class E(v:Int)
 case class F(v:String)

 val a:Seq[A] = B(1) :: C("2") :: Nil
 val d:Seq[Any] = E(3) :: F("4") :: Nil

 a.head match {
   case B(v) => v should equal (1)
   case _ => fail()

 a.last match {
   case C(v) => v should equal ("2")
   case _ => fail()

 d.head match {
   case E(v) => v should equal (3)
   case _ => fail()

 d.last match {
   case F(v) => v should equal ("4")
   case _ => fail()

EDIT 2: Folding solution

  case class E(v:Int)
  case class F(v:String)

  val d:Seq[Any] = E(3) :: F("4") :: Nil

  val Ts = d.foldLeft((Seq[E](), Seq[F]()))(
    (c,r) => r match {
      case e:E => c.copy(_1=c._1 :+ e)
      case e:F => c.copy(_2=c._2 :+ e)

  Ts should equal ( (E(3) :: Nil,  F("4") :: Nil) )

EDIT 3: Exhaustivity

  sealed trait A //sealed is important
  case class E(v:Int) extends A
  case class F(v:String) extends A

  val d:Seq[Any] = E(3) :: F("4") :: Nil

  val Ts = d.foldLeft((Seq[E](), Seq[F]()))(
    (c,r) => r match {
      case e:E => c.copy(_1=c._1 :+ e)
      case e:F => c.copy(_2=c._2 :+ e)

  Ts should equal ( (E(3) :: Nil,  F("4") :: Nil) )

There are 1 answers


While this could be done with shapeless to make a solution that is more terse (As Travis pointed out) I chose to go with a pure Scala solution based on Travis' feedback.

Here is an example of using foldLeft to manipulate a tuple housing strongly typed Seq[]. Unfortunately every type that is possible requires a case in the match which can become tedious if there are many types.

Also note, that if the base class is sealed, then the match will give an exhaustivity warning in the event a type was missed making this operation type safe.

  sealed trait A //sealed is important
  case class E(v:Int) extends A
  case class F(v:String) extends A

  val d:Seq[A] = E(3) :: F("4") :: Nil

  val Ts = d.foldLeft((Seq[E](), Seq[F]()))(
    (c,r) => r match {
      case e:E => c.copy(_1=c._1 :+ e)
      case e:F => c.copy(_2=c._2 :+ e)

  Ts should equal ( (E(3) :: Nil,  F("4") :: Nil) )