I'm new to Cursive and Clojure in general and am having some difficulty getting a decent TDD workflow.
My problem is that subsequent test runs depend on state in the REPL. For example suppose that you have the code below.
(def sayHello "hello")
(deftest test-repl-state
(testing "testing state in the repl"
(is (= "hello" sayHello))))
If you run this with "Tools->REPL->Run tests in current ns in REPL" it will pass.
If you then refactor the code like this
(def getGreeting "hello")
(deftest test-repl-state
(testing "testing state in the repl"
(is (= "hello" sayHello))))
If you run this with "Tools->REPL->Run tests in current ns in REPL" it will still pass (because the def of sayHello
still exists in the repl). However, the tests should fail because the code is currently in a failing state (sayHello
is not defined anywhere in the code).
I've tried toggling the "locals will be cleared" button in the REPL window but this does not seem to fix the issue.
If there is a way to run the tests outside of the REPL (or in a new REPL for each test run) I'd be fine with that as a solution.
All I want is that there is a 1 to 1 correspondence between the source code under test and the result of the test.
Thanks in advance for your help.
You could use Built-in test narrowing (test selector) feature of
lein plugin. It allows to test only those tests that have been marked with^:test-refresh/focus
meta every time you save a file.