Class not found / wrong name when using wsgen

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I'm having an issue with wsgen and while I've seen some answers that worked none of those solutions seems to be working for me. I believe the problem is related to the structure of the source and binaries.

My WSTest project is setup with the following folders:


The main class is Test which resides in package

I'm running wsgen from the main project folder WSTest using the following command:

wsgen -cp ./bin/com/example/ws -d ./src/com/example/ws -s ./src/com/example/ws Test

This results in:

Exception in thread "main" java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError (wrong name: com/example/ws/Test)

This makes sense since the class is part of a package. So I change my command to the following:

wsgen -cp ./bin/com/example/ws -d ./src/com/example/ws -s ./src/com/example/ws

But now I get class not found from the wsgen tool:

Class not found: ""

Usage: WSGEN [options]

What am I missing?


There are 1 answers

Bogdan On

Have you tried something like this?

wsgen -cp ./bin -d ./src -s ./src

The classpath folder is were wsgen looks for class files. The package within the class is resolved to folder paths, so should be a file like com/example/ws/Test.class within the bin classpath folder.

From the Java documentation:

Each classpath should end with a filename or directory depending on what you are setting the class path to:

  • For a .jar or .zip file that contains .class files, the class path ends with the name of the .zip or .jar file.
  • For .class files in an unnamed package, the class path ends with the directory that contains the .class files.
  • For .class files in a named package, the class path ends with the directory that contains the "root" package (the first package in the full package name).