Clarity + Angular6: Tree View Node Listener (clr-tree-node)

1.2k views Asked by At

I'm trying to track changes made to the tree nodes data source. Each node has a selected property which reflects the node selection status, every time I select a node, I need to emit the selection to another component, which will build another tree according to that selection.

I tried with OnChanges interface, but I read later in the doc that ngOnChanges is called only when data is set again.

This is my simple template:

   <clr-tree-node [(clrSelected)]="selected" >
        <ng-template [clrIfExpanded]="true">
            <clr-tree-node *ngFor="let asset of assets" [(clrSelected)]="asset.selected">

Is there a tree node event I can bind I can use to emit (with EventEmitter) the changed data? For example onSelectionChange, or onChange or something else? Or any other mechanism?

Thanks in advance, Alex.


There are 1 answers

pascalpuetz On BEST ANSWER

As far as I can see, you are already binding to that event. Just use the long form of the two way binding:


<clr-tree-node [clrSelected]="selected" (clrSelectedChange)="changeSelected($event)">
    <ng-template [clrIfExpanded]="true">
            *ngFor="let asset of assets 
            (clrSelectedChange)="changeSelectedAsset(asset, $event)"


export class MyComp {
    @Output public structureChange:EventEmitter<...> = new EventEmitter<...>();

    public changeSelected(data):void {
        this.selected = data;
    public changeSelectedAsset(asset, data):void {
        asset.selected = data;

Something like this. Of course, add datatypes wherever possible.