Citrus Payment Gateway Integration in Android Mobile App

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I am integration Citrus Payment gateway in my app. I am having which contains all the necessary steps.

My question is regarding prerequisites for this. the site says

  1. Secret Key
  2. Access Key
  3. SignIn Key
  4. SignIn Secret
  5. SignUp Key
  6. SignUp Secret
  7. Bill Generator Hosted on your server.
  8. Redirect URL page hosted on your server. (After the transaction is complete, Citrus posts a response to this URL.)
  9. Redirect URL-LoadCash page hosted on your server (To handle LoadMoney response, refer this link)?

I need to ask what is signin/signup key and signin/signup secret?

I have only app secrets. Can anyone help me out for thsi problem?


There are 1 answers

Mayur Gangurde On

You can get signin/signup key and signin/signup secret. As there documentations says:

Client side keys: For below mentioned keys , kindly download mobile SDK keystore.json 
file from merchant panel.
SignIn Key (consumerClientId)
SignIn Secret (consumerClientSecret)
SignUp Key (merchantClientId)
SignUp Secret (merchantClientSecret)

Check out the link for more: