At first, this thread might look related to genetics, but the problem is actually shell scripting and programming based. I am new to coding, so I was suggested to find a help in SO.
I try to intersect NCBI GTF files with PLINK tped files with purpose to switch chromosomal location to gene location in tped files (files with identificator, positions and nucleotides)
So, I did following steps:
1) Got gtf from
(as the file is large and complex, the best way to look at file structure is by downloading it)
2) unzipped and extracted only genes annotation with
awk -F"\t" '$3=="gene"' GCF_000001405.39_GRCh38.p13_genomic.gtf > aaa.gtf
3) converted NC chromosome symbols from NC_xxx to X with
sed -r 's/^NC_[0]*//;s/\.[0-9]\+//;/^N[WT]_|12920/d' aaa.gtf > bbb.gtf
4) converted to bed format (file with positions)
gtf2bed < bbb.gtf > ccc.bed
5) intersected with sample bed file (obtained from Plink tped file)
format of sample bed file:
chr1 183189 183189
chr1 609407 609407
bedtools intersect -wb -a ccc.bed -b sample.bed > ddd.bed
5) removed unwanted symbols (" and ;) from final intersected file with
cat ddd.bed | sed 's/"//g' | sed 's/;//g' > eee.bed
6) printed out only the needed columns from intersected file
cat eee.bed | awk '{print $4,$33,$35,$34,$36,$37}' > fff.bed
In the end I have file with different content of columns:
KLHL17 0 C C
KLHL17 0 A A
PLEKHN1 966179 0 966179 A A
PLEKHN1 966227 0 966227 G G
PERM1 "protein_coding" "C1orf170" gene_synonym 1 976215
PERM1 "protein_coding" "C1orf170" gene_synonym 1 976669
However the desired structure should be like this:
PLEKHN1 966179 0 966179 A A
PLEKHN1 966227 0 966227 G G
PLEKHN1 966272 0 966272 G G
Is it because of inconsistency in NCBI GTF files? It should be succesfully intersected with my sample file, so I can switch NC position to gene name and position in sample file and save tped file structure.
Thank you!