Chromium consuming above 50% CPU and crashes while playing a video

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I have built the latest stable version of Chromium (at the time of writing 100.0.4896.88) in debug as well as in release mode. I changed the name and logo of the browser by making changes in some files, thanks to this and this post.

Currently, I am facing issues with CPU usage. Every time I open chromium or a new tab in Chromium, CPU usage jumps above 25% and then comes back to 1 or 2%. After opening around 10 tabs, it reaches around 70-80%. I tested chromium before making any changes in files and the same thing was happening with CPU consumption.

The second issue is about playing videos. When I try to play any video like YouTube in debug mode, the browser immediately crashes. In release mode, it plays it for a few seconds before crashing.

After building the chromium, I use the following command to create a mini_installer.exe

autoninja -C out/Release mini_installer.exe

So maybe I am doing something wrong which generating the installer because for the rest of it I am following the actual documentation? Any kind of suggestion would be appreciated.


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