I am making a Chrome extension to bring Material Design to the Web version of Google Calendar. I used Stylish and Tampermonkey to make the changes, but when I put everything together in a package and load the package into Chrome, a big part of the CSS seems to be totally broken!
The userstyle available here: https://userstyles.org/styles/126526/google-calendar-material-v3-0-beta
The userscript here: https://greasyfork.org/en/scripts/18878-google-calendar-web-material
And the Chrome extension here: https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/google-calendar-web-mater/cecnjahdgcpkhdgjbmiellinjbpamjgb
The strange thing that not everything is broken.
Should I use !important on every css rule, or the problem is somewhere else? The JS seems to work fine.
When I use Stylish for the CSS and Tampermonkey for JavaScript: