Choosing the right ReadP parse result

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I'm trying to parse a RFC5322 email address. My parser works in the sense that among the results, one of them is correct. However, how do I go about selecting the “correct” result?

Given the string Foo Bar <[email protected]>, my parser should produce a value of Address (Just "Foo Bar") "[email protected]".

Alternatively, given the string [email protected], my parser should produce a value of Address Nothing "[email protected]".

The value with the name included is preferred.

My parser looks like this:

import           Control.Applicative
import           Data.Char
import qualified Data.Text                     as T
import           Text.ParserCombinators.ReadP

onlyEmail :: ReadP Address
onlyEmail = do
  email <- many1 $ satisfy isAscii
  return $ Address Nothing (T.pack email)

withName :: ReadP Address
withName = do
  name <- many1 (satisfy isAscii)
  email <- between (char '<') (char '>') (many1 $ satisfy isAscii)
  return $ Address (Just $ T.pack name) (T.pack email)

rfc5322 :: ReadP Address
rfc5322 = withName <|> onlyEmail

When I run the parser with readP_to_S rfc5322 "Foo Bar <[email protected]>", it produces the following results:

[ (Address {addressName = Nothing, addressEmail = "F"},"oo Bar <[email protected]>")
, (Address {addressName = Nothing, addressEmail = "Fo"},"o Bar <[email protected]>")
, (Address {addressName = Nothing, addressEmail = "Foo"},"Bar <[email protected]>")
, (Address {addressName = Nothing, addressEmail = "Foo "},"Bar <[email protected]>")
, (Address {addressName = Nothing, addressEmail = "Foo B"},"ar <[email protected]>")
, (Address {addressName = Nothing, addressEmail = "Foo Ba"},"r <[email protected]>")
, (Address {addressName = Nothing, addressEmail = "Foo Bar"},"<[email protected]>")
, (Address {addressName = Nothing, addressEmail = "Foo Bar "},"<[email protected]>")
, (Address {addressName = Nothing, addressEmail = "Foo Bar <"},"[email protected]>")
, (Address {addressName = Nothing, addressEmail = "Foo Bar <f"},"[email protected]>")
, (Address {addressName = Nothing, addressEmail = "Foo Bar <fo"},"[email protected]>")
, (Address {addressName = Nothing, addressEmail = "Foo Bar <foo"},">")
, (Address {addressName = Nothing, addressEmail = "Foo Bar <foo@"},">")
, (Address {addressName = Nothing, addressEmail = "Foo Bar <foo@b"},">")
, (Address {addressName = Nothing, addressEmail = "Foo Bar <foo@ba"},">")
, (Address {addressName = Nothing, addressEmail = "Foo Bar <foo@bar"},".com>")
, (Address {addressName = Nothing, addressEmail = "Foo Bar <foo@bar."},"com>")
, (Address {addressName = Nothing, addressEmail = "Foo Bar <[email protected]"},"om>")
, (Address {addressName = Nothing, addressEmail = "Foo Bar <[email protected]"},"m>")
, (Address {addressName = Nothing, addressEmail = "Foo Bar <[email protected]"},">")
, (Address {addressName = Just "Foo Bar", addressEmail = "[email protected]"},"")
, (Address {addressName = Just "Foo Bar ", addressEmail = "[email protected]"},"")
, (Address {addressName = Nothing, addressEmail = "Foo Bar <[email protected]>"},"")

In this case, the result I actually want appears third-last in the list. How do I express that preference?


There are 1 answers

freestyle On BEST ANSWER

You should not to do preference. Your problem is that your partial parsers are accepting the more bigger string set than really need.

For example, my solution:

import           Control.Bool
import           Control.Applicative
import           Data.Char
import qualified Data.Text                     as T
import           Data.Text (Text)
import           Text.ParserCombinators.ReadP

email :: ReadP Text
email = do
    l <- part
    a <- char '@'
    d <- part
    return . T.pack $ l ++ a:d
    part = munch1 (isAscii <&&> (/='@') <&&> (/='<') <&&> (/='>'))

name :: ReadP Text
name = T.pack <$> chainr1 part sep
    part = munch1 (isAlpha <||> isDigit <||> (=='\''))
    sep  = (\xs ys -> xs ++ ' ':ys) <$ munch1 (==' ')

onlyEmail :: ReadP Address
onlyEmail = Address Nothing <$> email

withName :: ReadP Address
withName = do
    n <- name
    e <- between (char '<') (char '>') email
    return $ Address (Just n) e

address :: ReadP Address
address = skipSpaces *> (withName <|> onlyEmail)

main = print $ readP_to_S address "Foo Bar <[email protected]>"

Will be printed:

[(Address (Just "Foo Bar") "[email protected]","")]