Chinese input in iOS simulator

1.5k views Asked by At

I am using a UITextField, and want to input Chinese in the simulator. The Mac's native language is English, which works on all other apps.

When I set the Mac's keyboard to pinyin input, the UITextField still only accepts English, and there is English word completion at the bottom of the screen.

I looked at UITextField.keyboardType, but none of the options seemed useful.

Is there a way to make it accept Chinese? (There was a similar question four years ago Cannot input Chinese in iOS Simulator but no accepted -- or useful -- answer).


There are 1 answers

Mohammed Elrashidy On BEST ANSWER

Don't change the mac language, you should change the simulator's keyboard language.

From the simulator, go to Settings -> General -> Keyboards -> Add New Keyboard

and then add the Chinese keyboard, then change the langue while typing in the text_field to write in Chinese