Child Task 840897391 failed: Error parsing manifest: Manifest file count (6742) greater than maximum allowed (6000)

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I am redploying an updated Shiny app after adding some more data. I get the error "Child Task 840897391 failed: Error parsing manifest: Manifest file count (6742) greater than maximum allowed (6000)".

I did the following

  • deleted rsconnect and deployed as a new Shiny app. Yet I get the same error.

How can I overcome this error?


There are 1 answers

chagas98 On

In case your application has a python virtual environment:

I took several hours to try deploying with virtualenv, cleaning unused packages, etc. However, it seems complicated to deploy a large number of files in a limited cloud (for the free plan in shiny app). I had this same error and what that could save my deploy was this workaround

  • write this in app.R (remember that these packages are just an example, edit for your own app - except for numpy, it is needed)

    reticulate::virtualenv_create("python35_env", python = "python3")
    reticulate::virtualenv_install("python35_env", packages = c("pandas", "requests", "numpy", "elasticsearch", "elasticsearch_dsl", "requests_aws4auth"))
    reticulate::use_virtualenv("python35_env", required = TRUE)
  • and write this in .Rprofile:

    # .RProfile
    Sys.setenv(RETICULATE_PYTHON = "~/.virtualenvs/python35_env/bin/python")