I have built a cookbook for installing Jenkins CI. It uses the key
and repository
resources from the yum
cookbook, so I end up with the following recipe:
yum_key "RPM-GPG-KEY-jenkins" do
url "http://pkg.jenkins-ci.org/redhat/jenkins-ci.org.key"
action :add
yum_repository "jenkins" do
description "Jenkins-CI 3rd party repository"
url "http://pkg.jenkins-ci.org/redhat"
key "RPM-GPG-KEY-jenkins"
action :add
When I include this recipe in another recipe:
include_recipe 'sp_jenkins::default'
and I test this with the following ChefSpec test
it 'includes the `sp_jenkins::default` recipe' do
expect(chef_run).to include_recipe('sp_jenkins::install')
my ChefSpec test fails with the following output:
Cannot find a resource for yum_key on chefspec version 0.6.1
(I'm not sure why it says version 0.6.1, gem list
tells me it's using 3.0.2)
The sp_jenkins
cookbook does depend on the yum
cookbook (metadata.rb), and runs fine, however, the cookbook I'm currently writing does not depend on the yum
cookbook and therefore doesn't have the yum_key
and yum_repository
methods available.
Is there a way to prevent ChefSpec from 'descending' into included recipes/cookbooks and just test the current cookbook?
Ohai! Julian is correct - ChefSpec actually does a Chef Solo run in memory on your local machine. It rewrites the provider actions to be a noop, but creates a registry of all the actions taken (including those that would be taken if notifications were executed).
So just like you need the
cookbook to converge this recipe on a real node, you need it to converge during your unit tests with ChefSpec. The easiest way to accomplish this is by using the Berkshelf or Librarian resolvers. To use the Berkshelf resolver, simplyrequire 'chefspec/berkshelf'
after requiringchefspec
:If you have Berkshelf installed on your system, it will pull all the cookbooks into a temporary directory and run ChefSpec for you.
You may also want to take a look at Strainer, which aims to solve a similar problem.
On a somewhat unrelated note, I am working on a fairly large refactor to the Jenkins cookbook that may better suit your needs.