Checking possibility of Wifi connectivity with Windows Mobile Pocket PC

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i'm new to .NET Framework 3.5. Currently in my C# Project i'm using Smart Device Framework. My task is to enable wifi connectivity on a button click in a Windows Form as to (Synchronize the mobile with the Web part i.e to get data from Web to Mobile)

In Windows Mobile 5.0 Pocket PC i don't see any option for WLAN connections in settings --> Connections

Following are the List of Network Adaptors showing in the Windows Mobile 5.0 Pocket PC I see when searched

enter image description here

I configured with NE2000 Compatible Ethernet Driver. Am I going the right way ?

Also I have added library in the Reference of the Project i took help from other stack overflow links and a microsoft documentation: Building a Wi-Fi Discovery Application

Below is the code snippet :

/// Check available network interfaces
        foreach (OpenNETCF.Net.NetworkInformation.INetworkInterface networkInterface in OpenNETCF.Net.NetworkInformation.WirelessNetworkInterface.GetAllNetworkInterfaces())
        {   /// network interface i get NE20001

            if (networkInterface.Description.Equals("NE20001"))    
                /// Display current configurations
                textBox1.Text += ("Description: " + networkInterface.Description + "\r\n");
                textBox1.Text += ("IP: " + networkInterface.CurrentIpAddress + "\r\n");
                textBox1.Text += ("ID: " + networkInterface.Id + "\r\n");
                textBox1.Text += ("Status: " + networkInterface.InterfaceOperationalStatus + "\r\n");

                    INw = (OpenNETCF.Net.NetworkInformation.WirelessZeroConfigNetworkInterface)networkInterface;    ///< Obtain wireless zero configuration interface                     }
                    textBox1.Text = "Network interface is not Wireless Zero Configuration";     ///< Possible reason can be that image in WinCE 7 

                accessPointCollection = INw.NearbyAccessPoints;

                textBox1.Text += ("Wireless Network available are:\r\n");
                /// Get available wireless network 
                foreach (OpenNETCF.Net.NetworkInformation.IAccessPoint iAccessPoint in accessPointCollection)
                    textBox1.Text += (iAccessPoint.Name + " -  signal strength: " + iAccessPoint.SignalStrength + " (" + iAccessPoint.SignalStrength.Decibels + "dB)\r\n");


i get INw value NULL below, because it has no WirelessZeroConfigNetworkInterface.

INw = (OpenNETCF.Net.NetworkInformation.WirelessZeroConfigNetworkInterface)networkInterface; 

So INw.NearbyAccessPoints is not possible for WirelessZeroConfigNetworkInterface.

1) How to configure WIFI connections in Windows Mobile 5.0 Pocket Pc in .NET3.5

2) How to know if in current Windows Mobile 5.0 Pocket Pc the wifi is enabled or not.

3) Am i going wrong somewhere in my above code i.e is WirelessZeroConfigNetworkInterface required for enabling wifi ?

Any suggestions would be really helpful.


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