I am trying access a page by incrementing the page counter using opencorporates api. But the problem is there are times when useless data is there. For example in the below url for jurisdiction_code = ae_az I get webpage showing just this:
which is technically empty. How to check for such data and skip over this to move on to next jurisdiction?
This is my code
import urllib2
import json,os
f = open('codes','r')
for line in f.readlines():
id = line.strip('\n')
url = 'http://api.opencorporates.com/v0.2/companies/search?q=&jurisdiction_code={0}&per_page=26¤t_status=Active&page={1}?api_token=ab123cd45'
i = 0
directory = id
while True:
i += 1
req = urllib2.Request(url.format(id, i))
print url.format(id,i)
response = urllib2.urlopen(url.format(id, i))
except urllib2.HTTPError, e:
content = response.read()
fo = str(i) + '.json'
OUTFILE = os.path.join(directory, fo)
with open(OUTFILE, 'w') as f:
Interpret the response you get back (you already know it's json) and check if the data you want is there.
Here's your code written with Requests and using the answer here. It is nowhere near as robust or clean as it should be, but demonstrates the path you might want to take. The rate limit is a guess, and doesn't seem to work. Remember to put your actual API key in.