check if a uri is from removable storage

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how to check if a Uri user selected from action_open_document tree is got from removable Sd card? i check this but its same for primary sd card and removable sd card! is there any other way?

   protected void onActivityResult(int requestCode, int resultCode, Intent data) {
        super.onActivityResult(requestCode, resultCode, data);

     String id=DocumentsContract.getTreeDocumentId(uri);

                    Uri mainuri=DocumentsContract.buildDocumentUriUsingTree(uri,id);

                    grantUriPermission(G.context.getPackageName(), uri,   Intent.FLAG_GRANT_READ_URI_PERMISSION | Intent.FLAG_GRANT_WRITE_URI_PERMISSION);

          if(   "".equals(uri.getAuthority())){

// its return true for primary and removable sd card !!


There are 2 answers

CommonsWare On


There is no requirement that a Uri from a storage provider be identifiable in any way. Your assumption (that the authority is for a certain storage provider) does not have to be correct on any Android device. Device manufacturers can supply their own storage providers, with their own Uri structures.

nnyerges On

Since android Q, you must use SAF. In order to know if a URI is a removable media, you can try using the path string: if you find a string like "HHHH-HHHH:" (where H = hexadecimal string character) in the uri.getPath() it means that is a removable media.

 * Check if SAF uri point to a removable media
 * Search for this regular expression:
 * ".*\\b[ABCDFE[0-9]][ABCDFE[0-9]][ABCDFE[0-9]][ABCDFE[0-9]]-[ABCDFE[0-9]][ABCDFE[0-9]][ABCDFE[0-9]][ABCDFE[0-9]]:\\b.*"
 * @param uri: SAF URI
 * @return true if removable, false if is internal
public boolean isRemovable (Uri uri) {
    String path = uri.getPath();
    String r1 = "[ABCDEF[0-9]]";
    String r2 = r1 + r1 + r1 + r1;
    String regex = ".*\\b" + r2 + "-" + r2 + ":\\b.*";
    if (path != null) {
        return path.matches(regex);
    } else return false;

The last method use less memory. The following method is faster nut consume more memory due the regex string, but is short and faster:

public boolean isRemovable (Uri uri) {
    String path = uri.getPath();
    if (path != null) {
        return path.matches(".*\\b[ABCDFE[0-9]][ABCDFE[0-9]][ABCDFE[0-9]][ABCDFE[0-9]]-[ABCDFE[0-9]][ABCDFE[0-9]][ABCDFE[0-9]][ABCDFE[0-9]]:\\b.*");
    } else return false;

UPDATE: The original regex only works for subfolder on the SDCARD. To include the root directory, delete the last '\d' characters. This is the correct REGEX:


so the correct function would be:

private boolean isRemovable (Uri uri) {
    String path = uri.getPath();
    String r1 = "[ABCDEF[0-9]]";
    String r2 = r1 + r1 + r1 + r1;
    String regex = ".*\\b" + r2 + "-" + r2 + ":.*";
    if (path != null) {
        return path.matches(regex);
    } else return false;