I am using Chatscript to create a customer service bot. I have created a custom bot so far using the German pre-built bot as template, but the problem is that I cannot understand how to add a foreign language (in my case Greek). The most relevant link I found is https://github.com/bwilcox-1234/ChatScript/blob/master/WIKI/ESOTERIC-CHATSCRIPT/ChatScript-Foreign-Languages.md, but this is not very helpful.
More specifically, I have placed a dictionaty txt file inside /DICT/GREEK folder. Additionally, I copied file systemfacts.txt inside folder /LIVEDATA/GREEK (I do not yet have more txts). Do I any need any more material in order to support a new language? If yes, what do I need exaclty? I know that POS taggging is needed as well eventually. I have a customer POS tagger with an API, but I do not know how chatscript should interact with it (at which point the call should be made and what kind of response is expected).
Finally, how do I tell my bot explicitly to use the new language? I checked the German bot as a reference but I did not find any such command.
ChatScript (CS) integration with a foreign language (not English) is possible but it require work todo:
You can do that with a systema call to your exteral POS tagger, see as an example: https://github.com/bwilcox-1234/ChatScript/tree/master/RAWDATA/GERMAN
BTW, now CS foresee fast integration with Treetagger (licence required); but I fair Greek language is not foreseen.