I have this sql:
select productid from products where productcode = @code
and @code is a parameter, it's value was ABCÊ
but it matched ABC
debugging it in visual studio showed � in the quickwatch. the database has Latin1_General_CI_AS
as collation. The field type in the database is an nvarchar(50)
So why is the datarow containing productcode = 'ABC' returned when I compare it to ABCÊ
I entered this in my smss select 1 where 'ABC' = 'ABCÊ'
and it did not return 1, this did: select 1 where 'ABC' = 'ABC'
So is it in my code? something with utf or encoding?
edit c# code:
SqlCommand comGetProd = new SqlCommand(@"SELECT ProductID FROM PRODUCTS WHERE (ProductCode = @name)");
comGetProd.Parameters.AddWithValue("name", "ABCÊ");
edit 15-6-2015
narrowed the problem down as @Oskar Sjöberg suggested. It is not database related! Because this returns true
using (StreamReader sr = new StreamReader("test.csv"))
while (!sr.EndOfStream)
test.csv contains: D1103SLÊ
so it is http://www.codetable.net/hex/ca I still do not see how it is equal.
So when using UTF-8 encoding it just knows that this is a nonsense char and can be skipped, so the strings are equal
and when using ascii, it 'sees' the Ê and when compared, it returns false.