I have for some time created a few mvc websites. The other day my super suggested I put them all into one solution as they - more or less - is related to each other. So I have come a long way with making the projects work more or less on their own.
Yesterday I hit a little bump where I am to put one project where you log in in order to register data. I have moved the login code to the first website (front?) and now that works. It was when I wanted to create the link (ActionLink) to link to the registration project, I started doing research on moving/transforming/changing a project into an area in mvc5.
So my question: Has anyone moved/transformed/changed a mvc5 (or 4 or 3) project into a mvc5 area? Is there something to worry about when doing this?
There are several things to consider when merging a project.
Think that about covers most things I have found when doing areas