changing cism: Stereotype rdf:resource when exporting RDFS File

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I'm using schema composer Tool of EA with which I generate RDFS-Augmented files?

The person that uses these Files needs following:

cims:stereotype rdf:resource=""/

I`ve tried creating my own stereotype using all available enumeration Stereotypes available in EA, but I always get the following:

cims:stereotype rdf:resource=""/;

Can anyone please explain to me what the difference is, and how I can change this?

More Detail

In EA you can create UML-Class diagrams which than can be exported with the build-in tool called schema composer to rdfs files.
These rdfs files are than used by someone else to automatically generate source-code from.
When modeling classes in EA they can have Types (for example "class") but they can also have stereotypes, my understanding is that stereotypes are there to extend the semantics of standard UML-Specification, so for example the type can be a class with stereotype «enumeration» which makes it known to the program as enum-type

enter image description here

now when you export this as rdfs-augmented File, as you can see the resource for the enumeration Stereotype is


the Person that uses these Files needs the UML-Elements to have following as the resource:

cims:stereotype rdf:resource="

How can I achieve this?

Also I don't understand what the meaning of this "resource" is. UML is as far as I know standardised

Schema-Composer screenshot: enter image description here


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