I am using chrisbanes PhotoView to implement pinch zoom..Image zooms on pinching and double tapping but i can't see that my image streched to full screen on zooming..on zooming it looks that image zooms inside a box and part of image disappears on zooming...How can i implement image zoom so that height of Image increases on zooming?I am using NetworkImageView ( of Volley library).
NetworkImageView imageView;
PhotoViewAttacher mAttacher;
imageView = (NetworkImageView) mImgPagerView.findViewById(R.id.imageitem);
mAttacher = new PhotoViewAttacher(imageView);
NetworkImageView.java ( of Volley library)
import android.content.Context;
import android.graphics.Bitmap;
import android.text.TextUtils;
import android.util.AttributeSet;
import android.widget.ImageView;
import com.android.volley.toolbox.ImageLoader.ImageContainer;
public class NetwrokImageView extends ImageView {
/** The URL of the network image to load */
private String mUrl;
* Resource ID of the image to be used as a placeholder until the network image is loaded.
private int mDefaultImageId;
* Resource ID of the image to be used if the network response fails.
private int mErrorImageId;
/** Local copy of the ImageLoader. */
private ImageLoader mImageLoader;
public NetworkImageView(Context context) {
this(context, null);
public NetworkImageView(Context context, AttributeSet attrs) {
this(context, attrs, 0);
public NetworkImageView(Context context, AttributeSet attrs, int defStyle) {
super(context, attrs, defStyle);
* Sets URL of the image that should be loaded into this view. Note that calling this will
* immediately either set the cached image (if available) or the default image specified by
* {@link NetworkImageView#setDefaultImageResId(int)} on the view.
* NOTE: If applicable, {@link NetworkImageView#setDefaultImageResId(int)} and
* {@link NetworkImageView#setErrorImageResId(int)} should be called prior to calling
* this function.
* @param url The URL that should be loaded into this ImageView.
* @param imageLoader ImageLoader that will be used to make the request.
public void setImageUrl(String url, ImageLoader imageLoader) {
mUrl = url;
mImageLoader = imageLoader;
// The URL has potentially changed. See if we need to load it.
* Sets the default image resource ID to be used for this view until the attempt to load it
* completes.
public void setDefaultImageResId(int defaultImage) {
mDefaultImageId = defaultImage;
* Sets the error image resource ID to be used for this view in the event that the image
* requested fails to load.
public void setErrorImageResId(int errorImage) {
mErrorImageId = errorImage;
* Loads the image for the view if it isn't already loaded.
private void loadImageIfNecessary() {
int width = getWidth();
int height = getHeight();
// if the view's bounds aren't known yet, hold off on loading the image.
if (width == 0 && height == 0) {
// if the URL to be loaded in this view is empty, cancel any old requests and clear the
// currently loaded image.
if (TextUtils.isEmpty(mUrl)) {
ImageContainer oldContainer = (ImageContainer) getTag();
if (oldContainer != null) {
ImageContainer oldContainer = (ImageContainer) getTag();
// if there was an old request in this view, check if it needs to be canceled.
if (oldContainer != null && oldContainer.getRequestUrl() != null) {
if (oldContainer.getRequestUrl().equals(mUrl)) {
// if the request is from the same URL, return.
} else {
// if there is a pre-existing request, cancel it if it's fetching a different URL.
// The pre-existing content of this view didn't match the current URL. Load the new image
// from the network.
ImageContainer newContainer = mImageLoader.get(mUrl,
ImageLoader.getImageListener(this, mDefaultImageId, mErrorImageId));
// update the tag to be the new bitmap container.
// look at the contents of the new container. if there is a bitmap, load it.
final Bitmap bitmap = newContainer.getBitmap();
if (bitmap != null) {
protected void onLayout(boolean changed, int left, int top, int right, int bottom) {
super.onLayout(changed, left, top, right, bottom);
protected void onDetachedFromWindow() {
ImageContainer oldContainer = (ImageContainer) getTag();
if (oldContainer != null) {
// If the view was bound to an image request, cancel it and clear
// out the image from the view.
// also clear out the tag so we can reload the image if necessary.
protected void drawableStateChanged() {
compile 'com.github.chrisbanes.photoview:library:+'
android:background="@drawable/image_loading" />
ImageView is inside FrameLayout
Image before zooming
Image after zooming
Better try a different approach if youre stuck
You can find below a link to a class created by Jason Polites that will allow you to handle pinch zooms on custom ImageViews: https://github.com/jasonpolites/gesture-imageview.
Just include this package into your application and then you will be able to use a custom
in your XML files:This class handles pinch zooms, but also double taps.
Answer credit goes to Yoann :)