I want to make a correlogram with the corrplot
R package.
The data used are like the table below
pH EC NO3 NH4 Alpha Beta
1 8.32 12.6174 5.5658 0.6406 641.1503 545.1455
2 8.19 11.9373 10.5631 0.9045 754.5042 514.9512
3 8.07 11.3534 6.8375 0.7977 744.9126 493.5152
4 8.19 12.4137 9.9584 0.9023 879.1580 655.9412
5 7.24 9.4181 10.0677 0.9382 637.0015 489.1772
6 7.75 10.3971 10.6647 1.0393 756.1199 517.5440
.... ....
.... ....
.... ....
But i want the numbers in the correlogram labels for NO3 and NH4 to be in subscript and for the Alpha and Beta to use the greek letters α and β.
The code I used to make the correlogram is below
M <- cor(dat) #create correlation matrix
# colors to be used
col2 <- colorRampPalette(c("#67001F", "#B2182B", "#D6604D", "#F4A582",
"#FDDBC7","#FFFFFF", "#D1E5F0", "#92C5DE",
"#4393C3", "#2166AC", "#053061"))
corrplot(M,method="square", order="original", col=col2(20),
cl.length=11,type="lower",tl.pos = "lt",tl.cex = 1,
tl.col = "black", tl.offset = 0.4, tl.srt = 90,cl.pos="r",
diag = FALSE)
dat <- structure(list(pH = c(8.32, 8.19, 8.07, 8.19, 7.24, 7.75, 8.13,
8.06, 7.91, 6.77, 5.28, 7.89, 7.68, 6.23, 8.31, 8.38, 8.31, 7.12,
8.2, 8.33, 7.66, 6.24, 6.7, 7.84), EC = c(12.6174, 11.9373, 11.3534,
12.4137, 9.4181, 10.3971, 14.7648, 13.7368, 15.7797, 7.1344,
7.2042, 15, 11.7473, 8.087, 13.755, 13.5277, 14.8324, 8.0436,
14.4983, 13.6894, 16.1245, 7.1204, 7.4364, 13.4685), NO3 = c(5.5658,
10.5631, 6.8375, 9.9584, 10.0677, 10.6647, 11.6462, 12.5271,
10.9805, 7.4731, 9.9492, 10.7479, 11.6753, 10.4071, 11.3829,
12.2611, 11.9056, 10.2238, 9.8128, 11.1856, 4.3521, 4.6849, 7.3659,
9.8142), NH4 = c(0.6406, 0.9045, 0.7977, 0.9023, 0.9382, 1.0393,
1.1002, 1.1534, 1.2629, 1.0686, 1.0292, 1.1485, 1.058, 1.2891,
1.0845, 1.1024, 1.1585, 1.0358, 0.9188, 0.9402, 0.9176, 0.8957,
1.0508, 0.7891), Alpha = c(641.1503, 754.5042, 744.9126, 879.158,
637.0015, 756.1199, 888.1357, 928.22, 982.75, 683.9139, 729.0595,
764.2607, 673.8184, 493.8568, 708.114, 759.094, 1040.6623, 698.2495,
819.0605, 710.4485, 655.0136, 805.2089, 645.5548, 831.6886),
Beta = c(545.1455, 514.9512, 493.5152, 655.9412, 489.1772,
517.544, 588.3099, 579.361, 564.1002, 483.3981, 511.9086,
440.1535, 497.5929, 328.9879, 506.202, 505.5201, 636.8879,
494.4532, 461.9742, 439.8569, 492.6054, 549.7177, 428.9918,
540.8364)), .Names = c("pH", "EC", "NO3", "NH4", "Alpha",
"Beta"), class = "data.frame", row.names = c(NA, -24L))
The way I see it you have two options. One is to file a feature request at the author's package GitHub repository (this is what I would do) or hack the code to accommodate custom labels. I offer one partial solution below.
I added an extra argument to the function argument list called
and replaced atext()
call for anmapply
call.I have done this only for column names. If you choose to go down this path, it's up to you to adapt the code for row names as well.
Here is proof of concept.