Change domain "local" in avahi and and use a hostname with multiple labels

2.3k views Asked by At

I need to publish multiple addresses for the same IP (eg: address1.local, address2.local)

Did it creating a service /etc/systemd/system/[email protected] with the following:

Description=Publish %I as alias for %H.local via mdns

ExecStart=/bin/bash -c "/usr/bin/avahi-publish -a -R %I $(avahi-resolve -4 -n %H.local | cut -f 2)"


Then if I run: sudo systemctl enable --now [email protected] sudo systemctl enable --now [email protected] It works perfect.

But now if I need to extend it to publish eg: address1.something.otherdomain I have error publishing. Tried different ways, changing the avahi-daemon.conf for example and didn't work for me.

I will appreciate any help you can give me.

Kind regards

EDITED: Using this solution: I can handle the use of multiple labels on the cname. But still without being able to change ".local" by something else.


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