Change-detection not working properly in ng2 component after navigation via angular1 ui-router

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In an application that uses ng-upgrade to use some new ng2 (V2.2.4) components inside a big ng1 (V1.5.9) app (using ui-router) I am currently seeing a very strange change-detection issue. As far as I can tell, this has been introduced in some upgrade of ng2, but sadly I can't easily verify that currently.

I have reduced it to a minimal example by now where i simply have this component:

    template: '<div>{{status}}</div>'
export class MyNg2Demo implements OnDestroy {
    public status:boolean = true;
    private interval:any;

    constructor() {
        this.interval = setInterval(() => {
            this.status = !this.status;
            console.log('status: ' + this.status);
        }, 2000);

    ngOnDestroy():void {


That component is upgraded in the upgrade-adapter and registered as an entry-component in the module.

The component is used in the template of an ng1 controller like this:


When I open a browser and navigate directly to that page (the route of the ng1 controller) everything works as expected: the ui shows true/false alternating every 2 seconds.

However: when I navigate away & then come back to the page (visiting some different routes) then suddenly change detection doesn't seem to work. The displayed value alternates only about every 5-6 seconds, seems quite random, although in the console I still see the expected values.

When I change the component's constructor to this:

constructor(private zone: NgZone) {
    this.interval = setInterval(() => { => {
            this.status = !this.status;
            console.log('status: ' + this.status);
    }, 2000);

It suddenly works again.

Obviously this isn't a feasible solution since the behavior I'm seeing in the real app is much more complex (i would have to add in dozens of places probably, which would not be maintainable).

I have debugged this for hours and don't understand what is happening. In Chrome's JavaScript profiler, I basically see that the page idles for almost the whole time in those 5-6 seconds where nothing happens.

profiler This is not a screenshot from that demo-component (but it basically looks the same) but from profiling the tab-component I was initially testing (tab-switching took just as long with no visible actions in between).


After a bit more experimentation what I find quite surprising also is that when instead of putting the status-changing code into a call, I add a call to ApplicationRef.tick() (as mentioned here for example: ) it also does NOT work at all. I don't understand why forcing a complete application-change-detection does nothing, but a zone-run call somehow works.

Example code with tick call which does not work:

constructor(private applicationRef:ApplicationRef) {
    this.interval = setInterval(() => {
        this.status = !this.status;
        console.log('status: ' + this.status);
    }, 2000);

There are 1 answers


There is a bug in the Angular version you are using. Change detection does not work as it should in ng-upgraded apps.

Please refer to for further details.

If you upgrade to 2.4.4, it should resolve the issue.