centos7 use service php-fpm start "Primary script unknown"

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I use nginx+php-fpm on centos7, when I use default root /usr/share/nginx/html/ is worked, but i change root to other directory, for example /usr/share/nginx/test/ is not work
And I cat /var/log/nginx/error.log "Primary script unknown", so I try chmod 777 -R /usr/share/nginx/test, But the problem still exists, I try stop php-fpm service and Modify the nginx configuration file does not resolve php, then nginx get the correct php file.

now I use php-fpm -D is worked! so I want to know the different between "service php-fpm" and "php-fpm -D", why php-fpm -D can work?

centos 7

I'm very Sorry for my poor English!


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