I have invoked a task that fetches some information remotely with urllib2 a few thousand times. The tasks are scheduled with a random eta (within a week) so they all don't hit the server at the same time. Sometimes I get a 404, sometimes not. I am handling the error in case it happens.
In the RabbitMQ console I can see 16 unacknowledged messages:
I stopped celery, purged the queue and restarted it. The 16 unacknowledged messages were still there.
I have other tasks that go to the same queue and none of them was executed either. After purging, I tried to submit another task and it's state remains ready:
Any ideas how I can find out why messages remain unacknowledged?
'social_grabber': {
'task': '<django app>.tasks.task_social_grabber',
'schedule': crontab(hour=5, minute=0, day_of_week='sunday'),
def task_social_grabber():
for user in users:
eta = randint(0, 60 * 60 * 24 * 7) #week in seconds
task_social_grabber_single.apply_async((user), countdown=eta)
There is no routing for this task defined so it goes into the default queue: celery. There is one worker processing this queue.
autostart = true
autorestart = true
command = celery worker -A <django app>.celeryapp:app --concurrency=3 -l INFO -n celery
RabbitMQ broke QoS settings in version 3.3. You need to upgrade celery to at least 3.1.11 (changelog) and kombu to at least 3.0.15 (changelog). You should use the latest versions.
I hit this exact same behavior when 3.3 was released. RabbitMQ flipped the default behavior of the prefetch_count flag. Before this, if a consumer reached the CELERYD_PREFETCH_MULTIPLIER limit in eta'd messages, the worker would up this limit in order to fetch more messages. The change broke this behavior, as the new default behavior denied this capability.