I'm developing a game and I'm having some troubles in my second scene.
I have a CCLayer class "NewGameLayer" that contains a CCLayer as a child "bookLayer", the "NewGameLayer" contains a CCSprite as child that is a custom keyboard that animates like the real keyboard.
Now the keyboard contains CCMenuItemSprites for the keys, the problem is that when I press a key it does nothing, the selector is not fired, the strange part of this is when I press and hold the button for like 3 secs the selector gets fired. Why is this happening? Could someone point me the right direction of doing this??
I'm adding the keyboard sprite to the main layer like this:
keyboard = [CCSprite spriteWithFile:@"fondoTeclado.png"];
keyboard.position = ccp(512, 1536);
[self addChild:keyboard];
and the CCMenu is created like this:
s0 = [CCMenuItemImage itemFromNormalImage:@"0.png" selectedImage:@"0.png" target:self selector:@selector(keyPressed:)];
s0.position = ccp(748, 390);
menu = [CCMenu menuWithItems:s0, nil];
menu.position = ccp(60, 900);
[self addChild:menu];
Thanks in advance !