CCACHE_LOGFILE not written in Github workflow

67 views Asked by At

I have enabled ccache in my Github workflow. Surprisingly and differently from what happens when I build the library on my local machine where I get a hit rate of 100%, during Github build I am getting a hit rate of 30%. Therefore I wanted to enable the CCACHE_LOGFILE functionality in order to investigate the reason for this low hit rate. Please note that I have ccache enabled for Linux, Macos and Windows builds. Let's take as example only the Linux build. The same issue is happening for all the other builds.

In my Github workflow file I have the following action to set ccache environment variables:

- name: CCache Configure
  if: matrix.settings.os != 'windows-latest'
  id: ccache-config-linux
  shell: bash
  run: |
    source build/generators/
    mkdir $HOME/.ccache
    export CCACHE_DIR=$HOME/.ccache
    export CCACHE_SLOPPINESS=pch_defines,time_macros
    export CCACHE_LOGFILE=$HOME/.ccache/CcacheLogFile.log
    #export CCACHE_RECACHE=1
    echo "CCACHE_HOME=$HOME/.ccache" >> $GITHUB_ENV
    ccache -p

And then the following action to show the results of the ccache build process and to show the content of the log file:

- name: CCache Stats
  if: matrix.settings.os != 'windows-latest'
  shell: bash
  run: |
      source build/generators/
      ccache -d $HOME/.ccache -svvz
      ls -la $HOME/.ccache
      cat $HOME/.ccache/CcacheLogFile.log
      rm $HOME/.ccache/CcacheLogFile.log
      ls -la $HOME/.ccache

Surprise surprise... The file CcacheLogFile.log is empty! As it can be seen from the command output cat $HOME/.ccache/CcacheLogFile.log

total 76
drwxr-xr-x 19 runner docker 4096 Nov  3 22:55 .
drwxr-x--- 17 runner docker 4096 Nov  4 08:47 ..
drwxr-xr-x 18 runner docker 4096 Nov  4 08:51 0
drwxr-xr-x 18 runner docker 4096 Nov  4 08:51 1
drwxr-xr-x 18 runner docker 4096 Nov  4 08:51 2
drwxr-xr-x 18 runner docker 4096 Nov  4 08:51 3
drwxr-xr-x 18 runner docker 4096 Nov  4 08:51 4
drwxr-xr-x 18 runner docker 4096 Nov  4 08:51 5
drwxr-xr-x 18 runner docker 4096 Nov  4 08:51 6
drwxr-xr-x 18 runner docker 4096 Nov  4 08:51 7
drwxr-xr-x 18 runner docker 4096 Nov  4 08:51 8
drwxr-xr-x 18 runner docker 4096 Nov  4 08:51 9
-rw-r--r--  1 runner docker    0 Nov  3 23:53 CcacheLogFile.log
drwxr-xr-x 18 runner docker 4096 Nov  4 08:51 a
drwxr-xr-x 18 runner docker 4096 Nov  4 08:51 b
drwxr-xr-x 18 runner docker 4096 Nov  4 08:51 c
drwxr-xr-x 18 runner docker 4096 Nov  4 08:51 d
drwxr-xr-x 18 runner docker 4096 Nov  4 08:51 e
drwxr-xr-x 18 runner docker 4096 Nov  4 08:51 f
drwxr-xr-x  2 runner docker 4096 Nov  4 08:50 lock

So... Not sure what's going wrong here. When I enable the CCACHE_LOGFILE in my local machine build everything goes smoothly. Has anyone faced the same issue before? Any advice is highly appreciated. Thank you in advance for your time.


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