I notice that the Cascalog getting started guide specifies a version of Hadoop
:profiles { :dev {:dependencies [[org.apache.hadoop/hadoop-core "1.0.3"]]}}
If my group uses a different version of Hadoop then am I out of luck? More broadly with what set of Hadoop versions does Cascalog interoperate?
The simple answer is currently (as of Aug 10 2014) Cascalog is at version 2.1.1 and by default uses Cascading 2.5.3 and Hadoop 1.2.1, so yes, if your team is not using Hadoop version 1.x then you're out of luck.
However, Cascalog could be ported to Hadoop 2.x. Cascading 2.5.x has support for Hadoop 2, from the docs Hadoop 1 vs Hadoop 2:
The following is a naive guide for updating Cascalog to Hadoop 2.x:
I'm no expert in the Cascalog source, but uses of Cascading API can be found with a few lines of grep and upgrading the API seems pretty straight forward, if a little tedious.