I am trying out CartoDB visualization with Torque. In my css file I have:
Map {
image-filters: colorize-alpha(blue, cyan, lightgreen, yellow , orange, red);
marker-file: url(http://s3.amazonaws.com/com.cartodb.assets.static/alphamarker.png);
marker-fill-opacity: 0.4*[value];
marker-width: 35;
But this css leads to the error: "line 15: Invalid value for marker-fill-opacity, the type float is expected. 0.4*[value] (of type field) was given."
Is there any way that I can specify the opacity based on the value of torque aggregation ?
Thank you very much,
Since your "torque-aggregation-function:" is simply counting the number of records in the given grid cell, the value of "value" will always be an integer, and thus you can just create discrete cases: