I'm trying to get the mouse coordinates during a jQuery animation, I'm doing this because I'm working on an interactive plug-in which moves the background image inside a div
from cover
css property to 100%
of it's scale when the user go over the element.
I'm near to completing the plug-in
but the animation is buggy because it work on the last position of the mouse fired by mousemove
event of jQuery.
Does exists some way to avoid the problem?
This is my situation:
$(settings.selector).hover(function (e) {
$(this).bind('mousemove', setFollowMouse);
}, function () {
$(this).unbind('mousemove', setFollowMouse);
var setFollowMouse = function (e) {
var o = {offsetLeft:this.offsetLeft, offsetTop:this.offsetTop};
if (!settings.bg.zooming_in && settings.bg.current_scale != 100) {
settings.bg.zooming_in = true;
zoomIn(e, o);
} else {
followMouse(e, o);
var zoomIn = function (e, o) {
$({scale:settings.bg.min_perc}).animate ({
step:function () {
settings.bg.current_scale = this.scale;
followMouse(e, o);
complete:function () {
settings.bg.current_scale = 100;
settings.bg.zooming_in = false;
followMouse(e, o);
var followMouse = function (e, o) {
var m_x = e.pageX - o.offsetLeft;
var m_y = e.pageY - o.offsetTop;
settings.bg.perc_pos_x = ((m_x * 100) / (a_w - bg_w)) + '%';
settings.bg.perc_pos_y = ((m_y * 100) / (a_h - bg_h)) + '%';
var bg_w = getScalePercent(settings.bg.width, settings.bg.current_scale);
var a_w = settings.container.width;
var bg_h = getScalePercent(settings.bg.height, settings.bg.current_scale);
var a_h = settings.container.height;
var bpx = - (bg_w - a_w) * m_x / a_w;
var bpy = - (bg_h - a_h) * m_y / a_h;
backgroundPosition:bpx + 'px ' + bpy + 'px'
,backgroundSize:bg_w + 'px ' + bg_h + 'px'
As you see, I use animation to calculate the progressive scaling of the background-image, and trying to calculating it with the follow mouse method, but if I sto moving the mouse, the animation works with the last mousemove
and Y
mouse position.
I've done this because I have problems with make animation method fluid if I trying to rewrite it continuously by with the mouse.
Should I follow some different way to avoid the bug?
I've just solved the problem with this simple edit to my code:
the old one:
this has removed the buggy behavior.