I am attempting to call a Powershell function from another Powershell function. The function I am calling has a lot of verbose output and I need to capture them to a file. Since I am calling said function multiple times, I need the verbose outputs appended to the end of the file.
I attempted the following
Invoke-TeardownWorkflow -WorkflowID $i -PostTeardownAction=@{$IPList[$i]="Reconnect-PrimaryNetwork"} 9 >>C:\TeardownLog.log
However, the code didn't work as expected and kept repeating
A positional parameter cannot be found that accepts argument '9'.
The function is source-controlled (so, I can't touch the function.). Also these functions are all part of PSM1
files. The Teardown.log file has some entries prior to the execution of the code mentioned above.
You can use
More about redirection here, here is an extract: