Capture an image using DirectShow via webcam in

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So I'm using this project to get a webcam stream on my form. I want to capture a frame and save it now. How could I do this. Any help would be appreciated.

Imports System
Imports System.Diagnostics
Imports System.Drawing
Imports System.Runtime.InteropServices
Imports System.Windows.Forms
Imports DirectShowLib
Imports System.Runtime.InteropServices.ComTypes

Namespace Capture_The_Webcam
    Public Class Form1
        Inherits System.Windows.Forms.Form
        Enum PlayState
        End Enum
        Dim CurrentState As PlayState = PlayState.Stopped

        Dim D As Integer = Convert.ToInt32("0X8000", 16)
        Public WM_GRAPHNOTIFY As Integer = D + 1

        Dim VideoWindow As IVideoWindow = Nothing
        Dim MediaControl As IMediaControl = Nothing
        Dim MediaEventEx As IMediaEventEx = Nothing
        Dim GraphBuilder As IGraphBuilder = Nothing
        Dim CaptureGraphBuilder As ICaptureGraphBuilder2 = Nothing

        Dim rot As DsROTEntry = Nothing

        <STAThread()> Shared Sub Main()
            Application.Run(New Form1)
        End Sub
        Private Sub Form1_Load(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Me.Load
        End Sub

        Private Sub InitializeComponent()
            Dim resources As System.Resources.ResourceManager = New System.Resources.ResourceManager(GetType(Form1))
            Me.AutoScaleBaseSize = New System.Drawing.Size(5, 13)
            Me.ClientSize = New System.Drawing.Size(320, 320)
            Me.Icon = CType((resources.GetObject("$this.Icon")), System.Drawing.Icon)
            Me.Name = "Form1"
            Me.Text = "Video Capture Previewer (PlayCap)"
            Debug.WriteLine("I started Sub InitializeComponent")
        End Sub
        Private Sub CaptureVideo()
            Dim hr As Integer = 0
            Dim sourceFilter As IBaseFilter = Nothing

                hr = Me.CaptureGraphBuilder.SetFiltergraph(Me.GraphBuilder) 'Specifies filter graph "graphbuilder" for the capture graph builder "captureGraphBuilder" to use.
                Debug.WriteLine("Attach the filter graph to the capture graph : " & DsError.GetErrorText(hr))

                sourceFilter = FindCaptureDevice()

                hr = Me.GraphBuilder.AddFilter(sourceFilter, "Video Capture")
                Debug.WriteLine("Add capture filter to our graph : " & DsError.GetErrorText(hr))

                hr = Me.CaptureGraphBuilder.RenderStream(PinCategory.Preview, MediaType.Video, sourceFilter, Nothing, Nothing)
                Debug.WriteLine("Render the preview pin on the video capture filter : " & DsError.GetErrorText(hr))



                rot = New DsROTEntry(Me.GraphBuilder)

                hr = Me.MediaControl.Run()
                Debug.WriteLine("Start previewing video data : " & DsError.GetErrorText(hr))

                Me.CurrentState = PlayState.Running
                Debug.WriteLine("The currentstate : " & Me.CurrentState.ToString)

            Catch ex As Exception
                MessageBox.Show("An unrecoverable error has occurred.With error : " & ex.ToString)
            End Try
        End Sub

        Private Sub GetInterfaces()
            Dim hr As Integer = 0
            Me.GraphBuilder = CType(New FilterGraph, IGraphBuilder)
            Me.CaptureGraphBuilder = CType(New CaptureGraphBuilder2, ICaptureGraphBuilder2)
            Me.MediaControl = CType(Me.GraphBuilder, IMediaControl)
            Me.VideoWindow = CType(Me.GraphBuilder, IVideoWindow)
            Me.MediaEventEx = CType(Me.GraphBuilder, IMediaEventEx)
            hr = Me.MediaEventEx.SetNotifyWindow(Me.Handle, WM_GRAPHNOTIFY, IntPtr.Zero) 'This method designates a window as the recipient of messages generated by or sent to the current DirectShow object
            DsError.ThrowExceptionForHR(hr) 'ThrowExceptionForHR is a wrapper for Marshal.ThrowExceptionForHR, but additionally provides descriptions for any DirectShow specific error messages.If the hr value is not a fatal error, no exception will be thrown:
            Debug.WriteLine("I started Sub Get interfaces , the result is : " & DsError.GetErrorText(hr))
        End Sub
        Public Function FindCaptureDevice() As IBaseFilter
            Debug.WriteLine("Start the Sub FindCaptureDevice")
            Dim hr As Integer = 0
            Dim classEnum As IEnumMoniker = Nothing
            Dim moniker As IMoniker() = New IMoniker(0) {}
            Dim source As Object = Nothing
            Dim devEnum As ICreateDevEnum = CType(New CreateDevEnum, ICreateDevEnum)
            hr = devEnum.CreateClassEnumerator(FilterCategory.VideoInputDevice, classEnum, 0)
            Debug.WriteLine("Create an enumerator for the video capture devices : " & DsError.GetErrorText(hr))
            If classEnum Is Nothing Then
                Throw New ApplicationException("No video capture device was detected.\r\n\r\n" & _
                               "This sample requires a video capture device, such as a USB WebCam,\r\n" & _
                               "to be installed and working properly.  The sample will now close.")
            End If
            If classEnum.Next(moniker.Length, moniker, IntPtr.Zero) = 0 Then
                Dim iid As Guid = GetType(IBaseFilter).GUID
                moniker(0).BindToObject(Nothing, Nothing, iid, source)
                Throw New ApplicationException("Unable to access video capture device!")
            End If
            Return CType(source, IBaseFilter)
        End Function
        Public Sub SetupVideoWindow()
            Dim hr As Integer = 0
            'set the video window to be a child of the main window
            'putowner : Sets the owning parent window for the video playback window. 
            hr = Me.VideoWindow.put_Owner(Me.Handle)

            hr = Me.VideoWindow.put_WindowStyle(WindowStyle.Child Or WindowStyle.ClipChildren)

            'Use helper function to position video window in client rect of main application window

            'Make the video window visible, now that it is properly positioned
            'put_visible : This method changes the visibility of the video window. 
            hr = Me.VideoWindow.put_Visible(OABool.True)
        End Sub

        Protected Overloads Sub WndProc(ByRef m As Message)
            Select Case m.Msg
                Case WM_GRAPHNOTIFY
            End Select
            If Not (Me.VideoWindow Is Nothing) Then
                Me.VideoWindow.NotifyOwnerMessage(m.HWnd, m.Msg, m.WParam.ToInt32, m.LParam.ToInt32)
            End If
        End Sub
        Public Sub HandleGraphEvent()
            Dim hr As Integer = 0
            Dim evCode As EventCode
            Dim evParam1 As Integer
            Dim evParam2 As Integer
            If Me.MediaEventEx Is Nothing Then
            End If
            While Me.MediaEventEx.GetEvent(evCode, evParam1, evParam2, 0) = 0
                '// Free event parameters to prevent memory leaks associated with
                '// event parameter data.  While this application is not interested
                '// in the received events, applications should always process them.
                hr = Me.MediaEventEx.FreeEventParams(evCode, evParam1, evParam2)

                '// Insert event processing code here, if desired
            End While
        End Sub

        Protected Overloads Overrides Sub Dispose(ByVal disposing As Boolean)
            If disposing Then
                '// Stop capturing and release interfaces
            End If
        End Sub
        Public Sub closeinterfaces()
            '//stop previewing data
            If Not (Me.MediaControl Is Nothing) Then
            End If

            Me.CurrentState = PlayState.Stopped

            '//stop recieving events
            If Not (Me.MediaEventEx Is Nothing) Then
                Me.MediaEventEx.SetNotifyWindow(IntPtr.Zero, WM_GRAPHNOTIFY, IntPtr.Zero)
            End If

            '// Relinquish ownership (IMPORTANT!) of the video window.
            '// Failing to call put_Owner can lead to assert failures within
            '// the video renderer, as it still assumes that it has a valid
            '// parent window.
            If Not (Me.VideoWindow Is Nothing) Then
            End If

            ' // Remove filter graph from the running object table
            If Not (rot Is Nothing) Then
                rot = Nothing
            End If

            '// Release DirectShow interfaces
            Marshal.ReleaseComObject(Me.MediaControl) : Me.MediaControl = Nothing
            Marshal.ReleaseComObject(Me.MediaEventEx) : Me.MediaEventEx = Nothing
            Marshal.ReleaseComObject(Me.VideoWindow) : Me.VideoWindow = Nothing
            Marshal.ReleaseComObject(Me.GraphBuilder) : Me.GraphBuilder = Nothing
            Marshal.ReleaseComObject(Me.CaptureGraphBuilder) : Me.CaptureGraphBuilder = Nothing

        End Sub

        Private Sub Form1_Resize1(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Me.Resize
            If Me.WindowState = FormWindowState.Minimized Then
            End If
            If Me.WindowState = FormWindowState.Normal Then
            End If
        End Sub
        Public Sub ChangePreviewState(ByVal showVideo As Boolean)
            Dim hr As Integer = 0
            '// If the media control interface isn't ready, don't call it
            If Me.MediaControl Is Nothing Then
                Debug.WriteLine("MediaControl is nothing")
            End If
            If showVideo = True Then
                If Not (Me.CurrentState = PlayState.Running) Then
                    Debug.WriteLine("Start previewing video data")
                    hr = Me.MediaControl.Run
                    Me.CurrentState = PlayState.Running
                End If
                Debug.WriteLine("Stop previewing video data")
                hr = Me.MediaControl.StopWhenReady
                Me.CurrentState = PlayState.Stopped
            End If
        End Sub
        Public Sub ResizeVideoWindow()
            'Resize the video preview window to match owner window size
            'left , top , width , height
            If Not (Me.VideoWindow Is Nothing) Then 'if the videopreview is not nothing
                Me.VideoWindow.SetWindowPosition(0, 0, Me.Width, Me.ClientSize.Height)
            End If
        End Sub
    End Class
End Namespace

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