I am new to CANoe/CAPL.
I am trying to display the data of the received message onto a GUI. This will be a message that is 64 bytes, so I would like multi-line support. Thus far, all I have seen as an option for multi-line GUI box is the "CAPL Output View".
For instance, if I receive a message from 0x01333DDC, 00 00 10 AC DD; I want 00 00 10 AC DD to be printed on the GUI input window. I also want multi-line printing as the messages are 64 bytes.
I have tried:
- Assign message.byte() to a system variable, then use PutValueToControl()
- PutValueToControl(messageXxX)
In all cases, all 0 values are returned on the CAPL output view, although message received through trace window actually shows that there are non-zero values in the message data.
Thank you in advance for any comments/help,
Edit: Below is my code. This is done on a real CAN bus (not simulated) as there is an ECU connected that sends the message. The message is configured to 64 bytes in size and named msg_DATA_REQ_REC. It is stored in a system variable of int array 64 bytes named DATA_REQ_REC.
I am trying to output the message data content into a CAPL output view named Rx_DATA on a panel named "MONITOR_PANEL". Also, an LED indicator (LED_REC) is set to blink when the message is received.
on message DATA_REQ_REC //When when DATA_REQ is received from other ECU on CAN
//store received message data into system variable DATA_REQ_REC
for (i = 0; i < 64; i++)
putValueToControl("MONITOR_PANEL", "Rx_DATA", "\r \r");
//If the first byte is empty
if (@MONITOR_PANEL::DATA_REQ_REC[0] == 0x00)
//do nothing
//display all 64 bytes of data in DATA_REQ_REC
for (i = 0; i < 64; i++)
putValueToControl("MONITOR_PANEL", "Rx_DATA", "\r \r");*/
//need to move LED activation into else statement if want to blink only for APDU_REQ with data
@MONITOR_PANEL::LED_REC = 1; //Turn on Data Indicator LED
setTimer(Timer_LED_REC, 200); //set LED timer
on timer Timer_LED_REC
@MONITOR_PANEL::LED_REC = 0; //Turn off Data Indicator LED