cant make new routing in Polymer 1.0 starter-kit (via page.js and iron-page)

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i am new to polymer and i just start it with Polymer 1.0 starter-kit

i understand the structure of Polymer app and used the page.js for making a new rout like this.

window.addEventListener('WebComponentsReady', function() {

    // We use Page.js for routing. This is a Micro
    // client-side router inspired by the Express router
    // More info:
    page('/', function () {
      app.route = 'home';

    page('/users', function () {
      app.route = 'artworks';

//my new routing def. <<<<<<<<
    page('/artworks', function () {
      app.route = 'artworks';

    page('/users/:name', function (data) {
      app.route = 'user-info';
      app.params = data.params;

    page('/contact', function () {
      app.route = 'contact';

    // add #! before urls
      hashbang: true


as i understood the page.js sets the app.route to some values and the Polymer iron-pages uses the app.route to select the right section to show with selected="{{route}}" the code is like this:

<iron-pages attr-for-selected="data-route" selected="{{route}}">
  <section data-route="home">home section</section>
  <section data-route="users">users section</section>
  <section data-route="artworks">artworks section</section>
  <section data-route="user-info">user-info section</section>
  <section data-route="contact">contact section</section>

after all what is the problem!? well when i use localhost:8000/artworks the page.js wont change it to localhost:8000/#!/artworks but it do just the same for every other routed address like localhost:8000/users or localhost:8000/contact as a result the web browser will search for the file at localhost:8000/artworks folder and finds nothing so a 404 err will occur.

i can not understand now. what did i missed here? any idea?


There are 3 answers


i don't know exactly why but it seems that the Polymer were not reading the routing file at all! so i just copy-pasted the routing code in my app.js file and everything works normal now!

so now my app.js has all the routing codes at the end and i also attached the page.js in the head of my index.html(the main file of Polymer app)

i have no idea why, but it's working now.

CookieMonster On

Not sure if this would work, but maybe using relative addresses based on your port might help. For example try something like app.route = window.location.protocol + '//' + window.location.hostname + ":8000" + window.location.pathname + "home";

wyllyjon On

I had the same problem, and it appears to be a problem of cache ; the routing.html page was cached by navigator, so new routes were not seen. Clearing the cache resolved my problem. Hope this helps !