select tag
I've got the function select_value()
<select id="data" onChange="select_value()">
<option value="['car', 7],['jeep', 2],['taxi', 1]">aaa</option>
<option value="['car', 9],['taxi', 1]">bbb</option>
I can't call the select_value() function inside google chart...
my script
function select_value() {
var stringPie = document.getElementById('data').value;
google chart
var data = new google.visualization.DataTable();
data.addColumn('string', 'Cartype');
data.addColumn('number', 'Amount');
var stringPie = document.getElementById('data').value; // <==
var arrPie = eval("[" + stringPie + "]");
the chart always stuck on the first option value of select tag...
The select element contains values like:
that appear to be data for multiple rows. You are converting it to an array using eval, which is a very poor strategy.
To avoid eval, convert the string to an appropriate structure using split or JSON.parse, e.g.
JSON.parse is handy because like eval, you can easily specify different types (e.g. string, number) but avoid many of the pitfalls of eval.
Untested, but should work.