I am having trouble accessing Coda from command-line. I installed the "command-line coda" plug-in, verified that my installation is in the correct location, yet I still can seem to access Coda. Coda sits in my "Applications" folder which is the default location for the plug-in.
Anyone have have this problem? Any tips? On the their site it is recommended that you change the path.
export CODEPATH=/Applications/Coda.app
So I included the above line in my .bash_profile which did not help.
$ Coda -v
-bash: Coda: command not found
Thanks for any direction you can provide.
The default way to open an application on a Mac is to use
open -a AppName
so you should be able to change your bash profile to use that:I've created a bash script (as opposed to using the plugin) that Gregory Tomlinson originally posted about (it looks like he's since taken it down but it looks like the following).
Create a new file in /bin called coda:
Hit an
to enter insert mode. Then include the following code:Save and quit (hit the esc to exit insert mode then type
:w !sudo tee % >/dev/null
followed by the return key, press L for load when prompted, then type:q
to quit). Then give that file execute permissions:Start a new Terminal window and you should be able to use:
Or just: