I have two USB to CAN devices (can0 and can1), they both are connected to a Linux machine which has socketcan installed in it. I have read the basics of CANopen protocol, i have not seen any example that can establish communication between two CANopen devices using Python CANopen library.
I read in the documentation that each devices must have a .eds file, so I took a sample .eds file from the Python CANopen library from christiansandberg github and trying to establish communication and make them talk to each other using PDO's, but I could not able to do that.
We have a battery and wanted to communicate with it, the battery works on can-open protocol and they have provided the .eds file for the battery. I guess a usb2can device with the CANopen Python library can do the work. But I just don't know how to establish communication between the usb2can device and the battery. It would be helpful with any insights in framing the packets.
This is what you need to do: