Cannot set CornerRadius value from static resource

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I have defined a static resource:

<UserControl x:Class="MyProject.MainPage"

      <sys:Double x:Key="CornerRadiusValue">5</sys:Double>

Later on in XAML file, I am trying to use that value when setting top left corner radius for a border:

         <CornerRadius TopLeft="{StaticResource CornerRadiusValue}" />

In design time, everything works fine and changing the value for CornerRadiusValue static resource changes the corner radius on a border. However, when I want to run this, I get an XamlParseException exception with the message:

Cannot set read-only property `System.Windows.CornerRadius.TopLeft'.

What am I doing wrong? How do I make it work? Thanks.


There are 3 answers

brunnerh On BEST ANSWER


You can set this value in XAML, but only as part of the attribute syntax for properties that take a CornerRadius, or as initialization text of a CornerRadius object element. See XAML sections and Remarks sections of CornerRadius.

You could try to bind the whole CornerRadius property and use a converter to get all the resources and create a CornerRadius instance from them using the constructor.

e.g. using only one value:

<Border Name="bd" BorderBrush="Red" BorderThickness="1">
        <sys:Double x:Key="CR_TopLeft">5</sys:Double>
        <Binding ElementName="bd">
                <vc:CornerRadiusConverter />
public class CornerRadiusConverter : IValueConverter
    public object Convert(object value, Type targetType, object parameter, System.Globalization.CultureInfo culture)
        var resourceSource = (FrameworkElement)value;
        var topLeft = (double)resourceSource.Resources["CR_TopLeft"];
        return new CornerRadius(topLeft, 0, 0, 0);

    public object ConvertBack(object value, Type targetType, object parameter, System.Globalization.CultureInfo culture)
        throw new NotSupportedException();

You could propbably make this more generic by searching for the resources going up the tree and not directly targeting the object on which the resources are defined.

(This is a Silverlight-only problem, in WPF your code works just fine, if you have a Silverlight question please avoid the WPF tag unless the problem actually exists in WPF)

Rachel On

I believe CornerRadius properties are not DependencyProperties, so they cannot be set through a binding.

The two alternatives I can think of is to use a MultiConverter which accepts the parameters of the Border object, and desired CornerRadius, or to create a custom DependencyProperty for the CornerRadius. Both methods would require you to set the value in code-behind.

Dirk Schiller On
<sys:Double x:Key="ScrollbarHandleCrValue">3</sys:Double>
<CornerRadius x:Key="ScrollbarHandleCornerRadius" 
   TopLeft="{StaticResource ScrollbarHandleCrValue}" 
   TopRight="{StaticResource ScrollbarHandleCrValue}" 
   BottomRight="{StaticResource ScrollbarHandleCrValue}" 
   BottomLeft="{StaticResource ScrollbarHandleCrValue}" />

<Border Name="Border"
   CornerRadius="{StaticResource ScrollbarHandleCornerRadius}" 
   Background="{StaticResource ScrollbarHandleColor}"
   BorderThickness="1" />