I have a photoView with fixed height and width below.
The image demomap.jpg is used to load into photoView. By default, the image will be center of the imageview like this:
I follow the same approach aslansari and a post here.
The orgin size of the image is: 638x612. When running, the photoview bitmap will be auto expand to 1675x1607. So I add a scaleRate variable to map from real position to bitmap position. The problem is, the center of the photoview doesn't coincides with the position (442,300) in real image ( or () in bitmap). The correct position is offset from the photoview's center position by about 100 px in this case.
val photoView = binding.photoView;
photoView.scale = 1f
val bitmap = photoView.drawable.toBitmap()
val options = BitmapFactory.Options()
options.inTargetDensity = DisplayMetrics.DENSITY_DEFAULT
val bd = BitmapFactory.decodeResource(
val imageRealWidth = bd.width.toFloat()
val scaleRate = bitmap.width / imageRealWidth;
val demoBut = binding.button2
Log.d("bitmap-size", "${bitmap.width.toFloat()}x${bitmap.height.toFloat()}") //1675.0x1607.0
demoBut.setOnClickListener {
Log.d("scaleRate", scaleRate.toString()) //2.625392
val x = 442f * scaleRate
val y = 300f * scaleRate
Log.d("focal x - y", "${x}-${y}") //1160.4232-787.6176
val focalX: Float = x * photoView.right / bitmap.width
val focalY: Float = y * photoView.bottom / bitmap.height
val targetScale = 3f
photoView.attacher.setScale(targetScale, focalX, focalY, false)
I wonder how to fix this problem, or some thing wrong with this approach?